

Teaching discipline to your toddler

Inculcating discipline in your toddler is a slow process and hence you should carry out this task very patiently and with ease. In life there comes a time when inculcating discipline in your baby becomes essential. The simple reason being that, how disciplined your child is, will eventually impact his/her future.

To begin with you need to keep in mind that discipline does not mean punishing your child. Rather it is an act of teaching your child to adjust according to a given situation. If you try to discipline your child by threatening him or scaring him, it won’t have an effect. As your toddler is not a rational adult and so dealing with his emotions would require a much softer approach.

To bring discipline in your child is all about maintaining a balance in his/her behavior. If you are always strict with your child, then he/she will behave well only when you are around and that too out of fear. So try to keep yourself away from being a dictator to him/her and rather set boundaries for him. You have to be continuously consistent with your little one so that he/she knows what are his/her limits and where and when to stop.

Age plays a big factor in your child understanding and reciprocating what you are telling him/her to do. You should try to ascertain what kind of disciplines will give you better results. You must refrain from being angry or using a raised voice. Talking to your kid in a calm tone will give you more benefits than shouting at him/her. No matter what you do to discipline your child, you need to assure him that you will love him/her always.

A defined set of rules help children in building self-discipline and also how to respect the emotions others. Instilling discipline in your child will later on help him cope up with the real world when he grows up to be an adult. He/she will be able to handle difficulties and take up newer challenges.

Given below are some ways that you can follow to make your toddler disciplined:

  • Refrain from getting into conflicts with your toddler that has no end
  • When you want to prevent your kid from committing an unwanted act, distract his attention with something new.
  • You should also repeatedly remind your child as to what kind of behavior you are expecting out of him before he actually follows you.
  • If your child does not pay any heed and puts himself/herself in a threatening situation, you should physically go and pick him/her up from there.
  • Rewarding or praising your child is a great form of encouragement. So praise him/her when he/she does something right.
  • Never slap or hit your child as that will only cause pain. And as a result he/she won’t understand as to what mistake was committed.
  • Your child grows up watching you and hence your behavior will have an affect on your child. So behave in a way that will cast a good effect on the child.

Written by ParentingAsk

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