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Allergies in babies?! Yes. Common allergic reactions in babies and how to spot it?

Allergy is nothing but a kind of sensitivity to something new or sensitivity to adapt a change. Simply, our immune system has certain functionalities, where allergic reaction refers to an overreaction of our immunity. The immunity could not response, react and control the allergy triggering substance although the immune system is meant to fight off all health hazards.

Baby allergies – An Overview

Babies are not exceptional to catch allergies. In fact little ones are prone to develop many allergic reactions. Baby allergies in a few instances are inherited genetically. For instance, allergy to certain types of foods, allergy to penicillin, etc.

What causes baby allergy? The dust mites cause allergy. When you vaccum clean your upholsteries, it will bring an allergic reaction. The perfume your spray or even the fragrance causes allergic reaction.

Food allergy, one of the common types of baby allergies generally catches the baby when introducing new foods. Of course in rare cases, if the breast feeding mom catches any allergy, it will pass on to baby. So, moms are recommended to eat healthy, nutritious and baby friendly foods (foods that don’t affect the breast feeding) nothing but fresh, hygienic and home cooked!

Secondly, eczema, rashes and itchy skin is the other common type of allergy in babies. Prolonged itches, dry and flaky skin are the symptoms of allergy in babies. This can be caused due to food or exposure to reactants or simply pollution. Sometimes, the baby clothes (detergent used to wash clothes) can cause allergies.

As stated earlier, babies catch allergies when there is a history of allergic reaction to any kind of substance in the family. It can be a medicinal allergy, food allergy, hay fever, asthma or eczema. The symptoms of the allergy will vary based on the organ infected.

Common foods that can create allergies in baby include:

  • Fish and all sea foods
  • Eggs
  • Wheat
  • Nuts, especially peanuts
  • Soy products
  • Cow’s milk

Symptoms of food allergy in babies are vomiting, diarrhoea, bloated stomach, cramps and crankiness in stomach, soreness, and itchy skin.

How to spot baby allergies?

Often many parents fail to differentiate the symptoms of cold as well as an upset stomach and allergy. It is because the symptoms of these minor health issues are the warning sign of an allergic reaction in babies.

Common symptoms of simple passing health ailment include the following:

  • Running nose
  • Rashes and redness of skin
  • Itchy skin
  • Upset stomach, loose stools, oddness in stomach, stomach pain, bloated stomach etc.
  • Dry or sore throat
  • Watery eyes
  • Interrupted sleep
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty in breathing

While the above mentioned symptoms are common associated with cold, body ache, stomach upset, fever, and cough, many times these are indicators of allergy in babies. However, if these symptoms are fleeting and not troubling your baby for no more than a 4 – 5 days, nothing to worry about the allergic reactions. If they are prolonged, then be assured that it is an allergic signal.

If you have identified the factor triggering the allergens, then solution is easy. Besides, your baby is the best indicator of the allergic reaction. The little one is a great communicator and if you find any changes in active behavior, reduced appetite, refuse to eat, extreme tiredness, etc for more than a week, it indicates allergy.

Preventing and easing out baby allergies:

Prevention of allergy in babies is very simple. Generally, the allergic reaction worsens or your baby catches allergy only when the baby is exposed more to the allergens or triggered by the accumulation of the various factors. For instance, if your child show up the signs of cold, say a sore throat, taking out your little one outdoors, can trigger the symptoms. Simply, dust mites, or cleaning the home can cause allergic reaction in babies.

Providing a safe, secured and ultra hygienic surroundings is the top most factor that could simply prevent your baby from allergies. Use dust-mite proof,

Secondly, don’t feed any foods mentioned about that could cause allergic reaction. However, the above mentioned food list is not conclusive; your baby may develop allergic reaction to other foods too!

To avoid food allergies, don’t feed foods containing preservatives until 3 years. Food allergy can be very severe and fatal too!

When there is an allergic reaction or abnormal symptoms, it can be even the symptoms of cold, in two or more organs, say respiratory and intestinal organs or respiratory and skin, it can be very dangerous.

Written by ParentingAsk

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