

7 month baby

Congratulations! Your baby has made it to the second half towards the first year!

What to expect in a baby when the baby enters the seventh month? Is there any important development to watch for?

Many moms think that the baby development in its seventh month has no significance developmental milestone to look for. Well, while half of this fact is right. Baby growth and development go hand in hand with improvements with the activities of baby in its sixth month. If something is missed in the sixth month, it will happen in seventh month. For instance, if you have not started on solid foods, you have to make it sure that your baby now gets solid foods. Similarly, advancements in motor skills and movements. There are three important aspects you should watch for in the baby during the seventh month. It is all associated with the emotions of the baby.

Growth, development and motor skills:

If your baby has been trying to sit on its own in the sixth month, a month growth will provide all essential stamina and energy to make it now. 90 percent of babies will sit on their own without any support.

Sitting becomes the most favorite position for the babies. Rather, the little one considers trying to sit on its own without any support a favorite pastime activity. When you encourage the action, the baby loves it.

Secondly, the baby will now crawl on their knees. So, make sure that your home is already childproofed to avoid any mishaps. While crawling can happen anytime in sixth or seventh month, the important aspect in seventh month is the baby crawling to reach the object placed in a distant place. For instance, the baby may crawl to reach out a moving toy.

And it’s the time to start feeding the solid foods gradually by reducing the breast milk. Don’t introduce too many foods in a same time. Wait for two or three days to assure that the baby’s internal organs accept the food and the baby able to digest it.

The baby taste buds will develop and now, the baby also reacts and gives response to the favorite foods. Of course, the internal organs become stronger and grow as your baby now experiments eating a lot of foods.

Sensory development:

This is an important developmental milestone in the baby in its seventh month. While a baby may have delayed development like crawling, making sounds, etc, no babies exempt from showing off the emotions, a sign of sensory development.

Every baby is intelligent and the baby senses has been developing, which improves the baby ability depict intense feelings and emotions.

  1. Stranger Anxiety:
  2. Separation Anxiety:

Your baby is almost used to the members of the family and became the part of the family. The developed senses enable the baby to remember and recall the faces and sounds of the family members. So, when the little one notice a stranger, it will obviously develop and show off anxiety! Of course it lasts no more than a few seconds if the little one notices a familiar face. So, it is the best time to introduce the new relations to the baby. Talk to the baby and introduce the new comer to the baby. Simply, if you like a stranger and talk with someone, your baby will have no fear.

Secondly, the bond between the mom and the baby is developed so much, so as the baby could not tolerate the separation from its mommy. Working mom will find it very difficult to cope up with this separation anxiety of the baby during this phase.

The separation anxiety develops at a rapid phase and reaches the peak when the baby attains one year. Don’t worry about this anxiety as it is quite normal in the baby development.

Written by ParentingAsk

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